Oasis of the Heart

Oasis of the Heart is an inclusive, InterFaith/InterSpiritual community without walls. It was co-founded in 2017 by myself, and life partner Rev. Constance McClain.

As ordained Interfaith ministers, we draw our spiritual nourishment from the core tenets of many of the world’s great wisdom paths, and in doing so, seek to promote a deeper understanding of the beliefs we all share in common.

With that, we can begin to build a platform with which we can better embrace our differences, and build community. I’m very excited about the work ahead of us.

A Rich Interfaith Resource

I believe that a very critical dimension of our ministry rests with education. Not proselytization, but education. In spreading the word that our greatest humanity is shared in the highest concepts of all the world’s greatest wisdom paths. Things as simple as: ‘love your neighbor as you would yourself.’ Different languages, same wisdom.

And as simple as they are, realizing  that we share them across our faiths is an important step in building community through understanding.

So we’ll be talking about it. Sharing the basic concepts and tenets of these wisdom paths on our Facebook page. Going deeper into what makes each so unique, by publishing audiocasts of some of the brightest thought leaders out there, on the Oasis of the Heart website Media Library. Keep visiting both, as the content is dynamic, and often unique to each venue.

A Spiritual Resource

I believe that we often need spiritual support outside of what I would call ‘institutional hours’ … those times, often only once a week, when community gets together. So we’re developing a dynamic, growing media library of inspirational talks, prayers, meditations and music … there for you when you need it.

We like to call it Spirit On Demand. For all those times when life just gets in the way.

You can find much of this by using what I believe is a brilliant and free app … Insight Timer. There, you can find music, meditations and more of my own design. You can also find there the work of a growing number of teachers and musicians … and I hope that you visit and explore regularly.

You’ll also find much more at our Oasis of the Heart website. Enjoy!



Celebrating Our Humanity

Oasis of the Heart is a dream made manifest, after years of study. It is being built on the knowledge that so much more brings us all together than tears us apart … and that we want to be a part of making this a more inclusive, spiritual journey for all of us.

We are proud to offer support in as many different ways as we can, and with which we feel fully competent … by offering spiritual counsel, support for the ever-growing number of caregivers among us who often serve without respite,  and also in ministering to the celebration of life’s most significant rites of passage: baby blessings, memorials, weddings, and other milestone moments.

I hope that you’ll visit us at Oasis of the Heart to learn more.