Fun, and uncomplicated, with a kind of gypsy feel to it. This was an interesting exercise. Sometimes uncomplicated is the most difficult expression. There’s something about life in there, I reckon … Dance. Listen gypsy...
A short excerpt for strings plus solo violin, flute, english horn and some extraneous ambience. It reminds me of the fall in Chicago . . . well, maybe a little bit later than now traditionally – but it’s already getting to be crisp in the early mornings,...
Sometimes, we just need to relax. And bring our minds back to something younger. More simple. Full of promise. Without the stress of the day. Enjoy. Listen relax it’s all...
Ever find yourself in the middle of an unexpected fog? Real, or imagined? Take this time to remember it. It happened. It was real. And it was something of a moment in dreamtime. And dreamtime is much more than we often realize it to be. Listen unexpected...
Give thanks to this year. Give thanks for it, all the way to its end. Blessed with the riches of family and friends, as we approach these most special of holidays, this year, and always. Please enjoy this in the spirit it is intended . . . an extended (about 40...